Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A year

I can't believe a year has passes since our home study was approved.  Last summer we were told that the average wait time was 6 months to a year (now the average wait time is 1 to 2 years.)  Dan and I prayed and decided to give it a year and if we were not matched up with a birth-mom by that time then we would see that as a sign from God that he was closing the doors to adoption.  I am sad to say that our file has been officially closed with no match.  This has been a year of hopes and dreams for the future and the ups and downs that waiting entails.  I take peace that I know we stepped out in faith and that we didn't back down when fears came.  I am working at not living in the what if's, What if we waited for another year, What if we were supposed to adopt internationally or from the foster care system, knowing that God is sovereign and would have lead us to that if that was what we were supposed to do.  I am prayerful over what any next step might be.  I have felt that I would adopt for about 20 years now.  It is hard to think that the dream is ending.  I put that in Gods hands to do as he wishes.

You may be wondering what we plan to do with the money we raised for our adoption.  We learned about a family from a church we previously attended.  We have chosen to donate the funds to them.
Here is their story:
If you feel lead to support them or get involved here is a link:

I want to thank everyone who has prayed for us during this process and who have supported us financially and otherwise.  You have been a blessing to us.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

New fundraising

I can't remember how I found this company, but I am glad I did.  I love that the coffee is fair trade and that they are committed to helping orphans.   If you are interested and want to try out their coffee use this link to my storefront with them: